Ulysses native partners in Pregnancy Ministry

Kelsi Cole, a Ulysses native has partnered  with Texas native Alyson Brown to form Foreknown Ministries.

The ministry specializes in Empowering mothers and fathers to find healing after pregnancy or infant loss.

          The ministry operates from Colo. Springs, Co.

Through our eerily similar stories, we realized that the Lord was at work in the midst of our grief. We leaned heavily on each other as we walked this heartbreaking road. Through many conversations and tears, we realized that we had both been given the same dream; the dream to minister  to other mommas who had walked this path. Through lots of prayer and research, Foreknown Ministries was born.

You don’t have to walk through loss alone.

As a community, we’ve walked through miscarriage, pregnancy loss and infant loss, and know that joy can come after mourning. Our hope is to encourage you through difficult times on your favorite platform, whether that’s Facebook, Instagram, our Blog or via Text. We also offer weekend retreats and free support groups monthly, so you can find support and healing in the ultimate healer- Jesus Christ.

When you experience a miscarriage, stillbirth, pregnancy or infant loss, it feels like your world is turned upside down. We know, we’ve been there. We’re deeply sorry.

When we walked this path, we had each other. We learned a tremendous amount about grief, disconnection, anxiety, depression and a plethora of thoughts that you may experience. Our social platform, programs, products and even our people are here to help you.

We really want you to know that you are not alone. Connect with us on our Facebook Page or send us an email if you need to talk ASAP.

3 Ways We Help


Social media can be a huge blessing in connecting us to our friends and family, no matter where they are. When you experience the devastation of losing a child, the ads and pictures of other kids don’t stop. We created our accounts to encourage you daily on this journey.


From weekend retreats to sharing with church groups, we’re always up for sharing how Jesus helped us in our journeys. Our weekend retreats are a great way to find community and healing after a loss. Check out our events & programs page to see the next time you can join us.


Text the word “help” to get an immediate response after loss with resources and where to go next OR text a “♥“ to sign up for daily texts of encouragement.

Our founders and leaders

Alyson Brown

Co-Founder of Foreknown Ministries, Wife to Jono and Mom to Millie and Maddyson on earth, Cora in heaven. Alyson speaks specifically on stillbirth and helping walk others through pregnancy loss.

Kelsi Cole

Co-Founder of Foreknown Ministries, Wife to Ryan and Mom to Kennedy on earth, Whitson, Lennox, and three others in heaven. Kelsi speaks specifically on miscarriage, stillbirth, and the hope that we have in Christ after tragedy.

Ryan Cole

COO of Foreknown Ministries, Husband to Kelsi and Dad to Kennedy on earth and five others in heaven. Ryan speaks specifically to men and about men’s experiences in pregnancy loss.

Alyson Brown says, “I come from a long line of women who have never struggled with pregnancy loss. The thought never really crossed my mind and I always thought I would be exempt even when I heard the stats on how 1 in 4 women will experience pregnancy loss. Nah, doesn’t apply here.”

Kelsi Cole’s story.

It was set. The scheduled c-section delivery of our son on February 12th, early in the morning. The nursery was complete, the bags were packed and the car seat was in the back of the car. We were ready, and we couldn’t be more excited to meet our son, Whitson Reed Cole.

Our Resources

We’ve been called to share how Jesus walked with us through our pregnancy losses. Whether is miscarriage, infertility issues, pregnancy loss, or stillbirth, we have walked through these difficult times with a solid foundation in Jesus Christ, knowing that He surrounded us with His compassion and other believers. Our churches, pastors and small groups came together to ministered to us when Jesus wasn’t. We dedicate our work to Him as He walked with us through the pain and we felt His peace. While you may not believe in Jesus, nor feel like you are at peace during a miscarriage, our resources are grounded in what He has shown us and done in these difficult times.

From individual talks to multi-day retreats, even offering a male’s perspective on pregnancy loss, we have several resources to help you, both online and at one of our events. These range from:

Walking together in grief

Strong leader, patient griever

While this ministry started in grief, it’s Jesus who is the head of it. When we lost our sweet Cora and Whitson, we tried to turn to resources that would take the pain away, to help us heal, to provide answers, to answer “why” and all that other stuff that you may be feeling right now. We also wanted it to be as grounded in Jesus as our faith is in Him.

We need to be clear right off the bat; we believe that Jesus Christ is holding our children in heaven as we speak. We want you to know right away that HE LOVES YOU and we don’t think that Jesus took your child. Our goal here is to push you back to Christ and help you experience His hope and His love in this difficult time. For us, it was the only way to get through the excruciating pain learning of our children’s death, walking through delivery, services, burial, and all the casseroles. We had husbands to deal with who were grieving and little children at home that were just old enough to see and understand what was happening.

Foreknown Ministries is a place where you can experience practical advice on how to get through pregnancy or infant loss. You may not want to hear it right now, but you will get through it and you are not alone, we are here to walk through this with you.

Let’s get you started in the direction that’s right for you.

Early-Term Loss

We’ve personally walked through miscarriages and early-term pregnancy losses. While the specific weeks may not matter, the practical first steps and long-term healing steps can be different than that of a full-term pregnancy. We have specific resources for you if you’ve experience an early-term loss.

Late-Term Loss

Losing a child at 37 weeks, 3-days before delivery is hard (Kelsi knows). Watching your friend go through it right after you’ve had to is excruciating (Alyson knows too). We learned a ton during the darkest of times and we have practical steps to help you in everything from burial to services.

Late-Term Support

We’re all just separated by one degree of pregnancy loss. Chances are, you know somebody that’s had a miscarriage or pregnancy loss in their life. How do you walk along side somebody experiencing pregnancy or infant loss? We’ve provided helpful resources and practical ways to come along side them.

Upcoming Events

"For You Are Known" Weekend Retreat -     Spring 2022

Our three-day retreat is a getaway designed to connect you with Jesus and others that know the pain you’ve experienced. When you come to the For You Are Known Retreat, you’ll be encouraged spiritually, challenged relationally, and walk away having talked about and processed through one of life’s most difficult and not discussed events- pregnancy or infant loss. We are praying for more breakthroughs than ever before for moms that have experienced the devastating loss of a child. Healing is possible and we pray that this retreat allows you to experience renewed hope for the future!

For further information about Foreknown Ministries, check their website at www.foreknownministries.org. Whether you are seeking help with your loss or to help a friend, they’re here to find healing through the ultimate healer- Jesus Christ- after pregnancy or infant loss.